UN chief Guterres invokes Article 99 of charter over Gaza crisis

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2023-12-07 00:08:16

Starmer Invokes Blair in Bid to Win Back Voters Lost to Johnson

Post Content
2023-10-11 03:06:24

Xi invokes Mao in visit to cradle of Communist revolution

Post Content
2022-10-29 15:23:48

Trump invokes Fifth Amendment rights and declines to answer questions from NY attorney general

Former President Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and declined to answer questions from the New York attorney general at a scheduled deposition Wednesday.
2022-08-10 18:05:57

Biden invokes Defense Production Act to address infant formula shortage, among other actions

President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that his administration would be taking new actions to attempt to alleviate ongoing infant formula shortages in the United States, including invoking the Defense Production Act.
2022-05-19 11:06:03

Biden invokes Defense Production Act to address infant formula shortage

President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that his administration would be taking new actions to attempt to alleviate ongoing infant formula shortages in the United States, including invoking the Defense Production Act.
2022-05-19 07:06:08

Why Vladimir Putin Invokes Nazis to Justify His Invasion of Ukraine

Post Content
2022-03-18 13:22:03

Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelensky invokes Winston Churchill as he appeals to MPs

Ukrainian president calls for Russia to be recognised as a "terrorist state" in a speech to the Commons.
2022-03-08 21:12:51

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. invokes Nazi Germany in offensive anti-vaccine speech

At a rally against vaccine mandates in Washington, DC, on Sunday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. likened vaccine policies in the US to the actions of a totalitarian state, even suggesting Anne Frank was in a better situation when she was hiding from the Nazis.
2022-01-24 07:05:55

Boris Johnson invokes Peppa Pig in rambling speech

Described as "shambolic" by opposition lawmakers, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a rambling speech filled with awkward, lengthy pauses to the Confederation of British Industry on Monday as he faces scrutiny from the press over whether he's losing control of the government. Bianca Nobilo has more.
2021-11-23 04:05:55

Former acting defense secretary invokes Kent State massacre in defending decision not to send military to Capitol on January 6

Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller invoked the Kent State massacre on Wednesday as he told Congress why he didn't believe the US military should have responded to the Capitol insurrection, saying he sees the nation's armed forces "as a last resort" when responding to protests.
2021-05-12 18:05:43


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